My morning email from NLG:
Note to self: only share water with stranger when you have another beverage to consume for the duration of the day. Fail. No water for me today because I have to go home to sanitize my brandnew water bottle. Ugh. Passing out on the train=bad news for everyone involved. See you tonight, xo,NLG
Everything was fine until we started crossing the Manhattan Bridge, and then "BOOM! THUD" Cute, thin, hipster girl is on the floor, white as a ghost passed out. She laid there for what seemed like a full minute until the lady next to her helped her up, she finally came to. A passenger yelled "don't pull the emergency break!" but alas, someone already had. I learned today that the emergency break is worthless unless you are in a subway station. (Makes sense, the emergency personnel can get their quicker/easier).
The woman sat the girl down and she took her jacket off. She was still very pale, but had just obviously overheated. The MTA lady came back to fix the break, checked on the girl, all was fine. NLG goes over to girl and lets her sip on her NEVER BEEN USED water bottle. Very nice of her.
Girl gets off a few stops before us, roommate saved the day.
NYC commute, always something to talk about.