Friday, January 22, 2010

A fire party

Wednesday was quite the eventful day in the apartment. Fire trucks and sirens woke NLG up at 6 am on her first day of class for the semester, and I returned home from work to see ConEd emergency vehicles lining our block, and all of the manholes open.

"Now you're going to have rats!"--mother of NLG) Sweet.

I guess it was no big thing. Roommate is a huge fan of 311 ("they're so helpful!") so she whipped them a call and they said the men were just working.

Good, next time there are fire trucks on my street, sirens, emergency vehicles and men under the road, I won't panic.

Since Wednesday was the day of fire, NLG decided to have a little celebration.

Preface: We are sitting in the living room, watching the Real World DC (we dig Andrew and his attempt to de-virginize himself), and we had just finished dinner. NLG pops out of her chair and says "Well! Time to make some popcorn for tomorrow, so it goes stale!"

You like stale popcorn?

I have known the girl for 5 years, lived with her for 5 months, I feel as if I should know this absurd fact.

Anyways. I am diddling around my room, picking things up, sort of getting ready for bed. I hear her walk over to the microwave, open it, and shout "WASP!" (well my real name actually, no we don't refer to each other as our pen names in the apartment.)

I run over and see smoke pouring out of the microwave, and cozying right up to the kitchen ceiling. As a reflex, I grab a dishcloth and start waving it in front of the smoke detector (we set it of regularly). NLG throws the firey bag of corn into the sink and runs the water. She opens the window.

Amazingly enough we didn't set the smoke alarm off. However, she burnt the inside of the microwave and nearly killed us both.

It was a combination of the laughing and thick (yes, dramatic) smoke covering the apartment, that made tears stream down our faces.

Quote of the evening: "Should we go to the hospital because of smoke inhalation??"

No, NLG, we don't have to go to the hospital, we are fine and laughing, however you've made our home permanently smell like burn.

Three days letter, the stench is still going strong.

Epilogue: Next morning I slept a little later, but not without a little interruption from the smoke detector, courtesy of NLG's egg white breakfast.

Monday, January 4, 2010


My New Year's Eve was one that I've never experienced, nor would like to ever again. I don't need to go into detail, but I would like to share with you my brother's comments on it.

Note: I partied with kids who thought they were better than me because I live in Brooklyn. (most, not all)
ALSO, "Nance News" is our mother.

"heard more about you new years adventure from Nance News. I just wanted to let you know that I too am interested in becoming a fincancial worker Manhattanite so that I may finally enjoy comfortable sweater vests beneath which I may wear my pretentious dress shirt, an option which may allow for me to then pop the collar... at my discretion. I would then like to remind you that you are a cheapskate who lives in Brooklyn, while I'm a money-savvy investor who lives in an apartment that is the same size as yours but twice as expensive, and who also drinks Coors Light like every other college kid on the planet. Wish me luck on my endeavor."