Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dear Cablevision, we still hate you.

I can't gchat at work anymore, so NLG and I email constantly (as if we DON'T live together).

Backstory: For the 4th time since we've lived there, our internet has failed. The amount of time that we've been out of wireless has probably totaled close to two months.


Here's a sample of our email frenzy.

Me: cable guy is currently on our roof. i hate them. could not understand him.

NLG: i swear to god if this is not fixed i am going to go postal.

Me: i was thinking, today, or if this happens again, our threat (to cablevision) will be that we are going to get our landlord and neighborhood involved and file a suit against cablevision for monopolizing our cable/internet ability. then we should threaten to call the city and request that we have a different service provider.

in reality it's far fetched, but i'm so over it. and that's a scary threat

NLG: I don't think they will care, really. I'll call them today and deal with the bill situation. Can you send me their number?

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