Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Earplugs: Fashion Statement or Not?!?

NLG here with a fast update:

Today on the subway, Wasp and I saw a woman wearing earplugs. Wasp says she has seen this fashion maven before.

1. Are earplugs really necessary on the subway (see below: crying commute)
2. Should the earplugs match your outfit (this woman had in highlighter yellow ones that matched nothing)
3. Should I include some earplugs in Wasp's holiday gift? I'm thinking yes...but now it won't be a surprise because this is her blog too.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. 1. Only if you're on the Broad Street line in Philly.

    2. Only when on your way to a formal occasion.

    3. Earplugs make wonderful stocking stuffers.

  2. constant exposure to sound of 80db or above (the sound of a decently busy city street) causes permanent ear damage... a subway ride is probably around 90-100db at times O:

    basically most people in industrialized areas actually have some level of hearing damage, especially in the form of ringing ears
