Now, from far away it kind of looked like something from Netflix. My first thought? "I'm asking for a Netflix subscription for Christmas! How do I have something already? And why would I get something on my windshield?"
My next thought? "Please, Baby Jesus do not let that be a ticket." Now, Wasp had gotten a ticket in late September for not moving her car on an alternate side parking day for $45. Annoying, but no big deal. I walk across the street and pull of the sheet, and there it is...my very first parking ticket. For $95.
Why $95 you may ask? Because I parked in front of a driveway. I know what you're thinking. How did you park in front of a driveway, how did you not see it? It was a midget driveway. Maybe you could park a pony there. And not even a full sized pony, one of those creepy toy ponies that they keep on farms for kids to look at.
My Mothers response when I told her I got a ticket? "Welcome to Brooklyn. They could have towed your car. Thank god they didn't...you and Wasp would have ended up on Law and Order SVU because you would have had to go to the impound lot. And bad things always happen there." At least I'd have a chance of meeting cutie Elliot Stabler :)

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